Our Story

Flavorful Brands — It All Starts with the Seeds.

It’s all about bringing back flavorful produce to consumers.

For decades, flavor has been sacrificed, and vegetable varieties have been developed to create produce that increases commercial yields and can endure rough storage and shipping conditions to retail and club stores.

We are dedicated to delivering fresh produce with all the farm-fresh flavor, color, texture and nutrition attributes that consumers desire. For us, it’s not all about size or toughness, though we bring those to the table as well.

Our mission is to make it easy and desirable for consumers around the world to crave a delicious and healthy premium produce experience.

Bejo Seeds

As one of the top vegetable seed producers in the world, Bejo Seeds leans on decades of research to offer some of the most innovative new vegetables in the industry. They are one of our sources of new and exciting seeds that grow into our flavorful veggies.